Top 5 Things To Know About Self Defense Sprays

Excellent Home Security Advice You Need To Know

Many people believe that home security must be an expensive installation that causes a headache to feel safe in a house. However, this is not true! Read this article for great ideas on making your home more secure and your family feel safer. If you are a female and living alone, it’s understandable that you may feel afraid about home invasions. People are more likely to try to take advantage of women. Try placing a pair of big, muddy boots on your front step to give the appearance of a man staying in the house. If someone comes to clean your home, only give them a key if they’re trustworthy. Only select trustworthy service people. Make sure you verify all references. If a company employs a house cleaner, check with your area’s BBB to determine their reputation. Install a peephole to see who is at your door before you open it. Criminals will knock at a door to push past you, and you should never open a door without knowing the person on the other side of it. Make sure all exterior wiring is well protected or covered. Copper wiring is a favorite target for theft, as it is often accessible from outside the home and can be sold for a great deal of money. Air conditioners are a prime target for copper thieves. Also, make sure exterior power and phone lines are protected and not easily cut. Home security should be a concern whether you have children at home, valuable or priceless possessions, or live in a high crime area. As said at the beginning of this article, you don’t have to install an expensive system. Remember the tips in this article when thinking about home security. What’s the best home safety protection? This write-up from Safety is practical and wise, so read on! [lwptoc] Self-defense sprays like mace and pepper spray are among the most common self-defense methods the average person carries; very few people with a self-defense spray know much about their weapon. Using a self-defense spray is not as simple as point-and-shoot. Although these products can provide you with great protection, you must know five basic things before you buy and use them.

1. What is the potency of your self-defense spray?

To answer this question, you usually look at the packaging or description of the product you want to buy if you are buying online. Self-defense sprays like mace and pepper spray are rated in two ways. The first measures the percentage of oleoresin capsicum (OC) in the product. Oleoresin capsicum is what makes pepper spray burn. A high rate does not necessarily mean a more effective product. The second way it is measured is by measuring the product’s Scoville Heat Units (SHU). This measurement is much more critical because the attacker will feel this. The problem with high OC% products is that they tend to be thick and difficult to disperse. You want to choose a product with a minimum of 2,000,000 SHU. If the product you are looking at has no rating, don’t buy it, even if it seems like a good deal. The last thing you want is to spray an attacker with something that pisses him off.

2. How long will it last?

Self-defense sprays have an expiration date. They lose their potency over time, so you will have to replace your product regularly. If you have been carrying around the same can of pepper spray for years, throw it out. It will be of little use. When you buy pepper spray, look for an expiration date. You don’t want to buy a product that has been on the shelf for years.

3. What is the spray pattern?

There are several different spray patterns used in self-defense sprays. These include stream, foam, fog, and cone. Each has its place and advantages. Stream sprays can be used at distances of up to 20 feet. However, they require great accuracy and have a lower success rate. For most people, I would recommend the fog or cone spray pattern. Overspray is more likely to affect others, but because of how well it is dispersed, it tends to be highly effective. It is only effective if your attacker is up close to you, but this is the most common self-defense scenario anyway. Self-defense sprays with the fog or cone spray pattern tend to get into the attacker’s eyes, nose, and mouth, making them highly effective at incapacitating the attacker with little chance of permanent damage.

4. How large is the canister?

When it comes to self-defense sprays, larger is not always better. Unless you are in law enforcement or security, you probably won’t want to carry a large canister on your hip every day. For this reason, I highly recommend using a small, discrete self-defense spray. Many manufacturers make a version that looks like a pen and can be carried every day. Pepper spray won’t do you much good if you leave it at home or in your glove box because it is too bulky. Also, unless you are in law enforcement, a large canister is simply a waste. You will likely never have to use your self-defense spray multiple times before it expires, so save some money and get a small, single-use canister.

5. Is it legal?

Many states have restrictions on self-defense sprays. These restrictions control who can buy these products and the size and concentration of the product. These states include New York, Massachusetts, Michigan, Wisconsin, Washington D.C., and California. For the exact details of the restrictions, contact your local police or sheriff’s department. Lastly, some people see self-defense sprays as something that should only be used by women and older people. This foolish, macho idea is promoted by people who aren’t dealing with serious threats regularly. Over the past twenty years in the self-defense industry, I have worked with many U.S. and foreign Special Forces soldiers, including Navy SEALs, Delta Force Operators, Department of Defense Contractors, Israeli Special Forces soldiers, and more. Many of them consider pepper spray their self-defense weapon of choice (when they aren’t on the battlefield) because of its effectiveness and ease of use. What do I need to know when carrying self-defense sprays? Please take time to read this brilliant post from Model Mugging. It offers advice that will make you confident that your family can be safe and secure. To make sure of your safety, read about saber pepper spray, saber 3-in-1 safety spray, saber red pepper gel, bear spray, oc spray, whether pepper spray is legal, whether it is the most vigorous pepper spray available to civilians, and how to use pepper spray.